Wow where to begin.... I love to read other peoples blogs but never blog on my own. Mostly because since we got a mac it is just so much harder to figure things out and for anyone that knows me lets face it these last few years have been crazy. where to start....
In the fall of 2010 Austin and I moved to Ogden UT so that Austin could attend Weber State University for the Dental Hygiene program. We did a semester there and decided that it really wasn't the place for us so we moved home just after christmas. Austin went to work on the oil rigs and I went back to Dr Olsens to start massaging again.
We are living with Austin's mom and dad right now and we actually really love it. They are such great parents and we are having a blast here. (I hope they feel the same way) lol
In the fall we plan to either buy or build here in Cardston. I know I know I always said that I would never live in Cardston. Well here we are lol. Oh well.
Austin is going to continue a career in the oil field. So with him being gone all the time I don't want to live somewhere where I don't know anyone and have no family around to help me out. I will continue to work at Dr Olsen's office as I love my clients and my job.
Well that is pretty much our life in a nutshell over the last two years give or take a few events. But I am happy to say that If I can get this all figured out I will be a regular blogger. YAY! Here are a few pics over the last little while. P.S I realize that all these pics are a little backwards. I hate that it does that why can't it just add them one after the other instead of infront of each other. is there a way to change that. oh well. ENJOY!
Austin hard at work

Childrens museum in Ogden
Me running across the finish line of my first Half Marathon in Moab UT
Cutest Tiger Ive ever seen.
Bear Lake ID SO beautiful!

In Utah at the Dinosaur Park. Bensen love it!